3 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence Without Being Cocky

3 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence Without Being Cocky

Cockiness and self-confidence are two very different things. Cockiness is a trait that most people find unattractive, while self-confidence is infectious and inspiring. So, how can you boost your self-confidence without coming across as cocky? Here are three tips: 
1. Believe in yourself—but don't toot your own horn.
One of the most important things you can do to boost your self-confidence is to believe in yourself. After all, if you don't believe in yourself, who will? However, there's a fine line between having faith in your abilities and bragging about your accomplishments. It's important to be able to talk about your successes without sounding like you're trying to one-up everyone in the room. 
2. Be assertive—but don't be pushy.
Self-confident people are usually assertive—they know what they want and they go after it. However, there's a difference between being assertive and being pushy. People who are pushy often come across as desperate, which can make others uneasy. Assertiveness, on the other hand, exudes confidence and shows that you're comfortable in your own skin. 
3. Be proud of your accomplishments—but don't brag.
It's okay to be proud of your accomplishments—in fact, it's encouraged! However, there's a big difference between being proud and bragging. When you brag, you're often trying to make others feel inferior to you. On the other hand, when you're proud of something, you're simply sharing your success with others in a humble way. 
Remember, cockiness and self-confidence are two very different things—one is unattractive while the other is magnetic. If you want to boost your self-confidence without coming across as cocky, believe in yourself but don't brag about your accomplishments, be assertive but not pushy, and be proud of your successes but don't try to one-up everyone else. Do all of that, and you'll be well on your way to becoming the most confident version of yourself!
Photo Credit: Gelatin (Pexels)
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